Research interests
My research interests lie primarily in behavioural ecology, with a focus on predator-prey dynamics and their impacts on trophic interactions. In South Africa, my studies focused on the behavioural interactions among large carnivores and large herbivores. Since relocating to New Zealand, I have expanded my research area to the behaviour of invasive mammalian predators and its application on predator control. I have worked with NGOs in New Zealand on conservation education for an extended period of time. The experience has also aroused my interests in the social aspects of the Predator Free 2050 movement.
Scientific publication
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Yiu SW, Suraci J, Norbury G, Garvey P. (2024). Harnessing fear of predators and competitors as deterrents for an invasive predator. Ecological Application. Under review.
Yiu SW, Gronwald M, Russell JC. (2022). Reliable detection of low density Pacific rats using camera trapping. Wildlife Research. DOI:10.1071/WR22039.
Yiu SW, Owen-Smith N, Cain III, JW. (2022). How do lions move at night when they hunt? Journal of Mammalogy. DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyac025.
Yiu SW, Keith M, Karczmarski L, Parrini F (2021) Predation risk effects on intense and routine vigilance of Burchell’s zebra and blue wildebeest. Animal Behaviour. 173:159-168.
Yiu SW, Karczmarski L, Parrini F, Keith M (2019) Resource selection in reintroduced lions and the influence of intergroup interactions. Journal of Zoology 307:111-124.
Yiu SW, Parrini F, Karczmarski L, Keith M (2017) Home Range Establishment and Utilization by Reintroduced Lions in a Small Reserve. Integrative Zoology 12: 318-322.
Karczmarski L, Huang SL, Or CKM, Gui D, Chan SC, Lin W, Porter L, Wong WH, Zheng R, Ho YW, Chui SY, Tiongson AJC, Mo Y, Chang WL, Kwok JHW, Tang RWK, Lee ATL, Yiu SW, Keith M, Gailey G, Wu Y (2015) Humpback Dolphins in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: Status, Threats and Conservation Challenges. Advances in Marine Biology 73: 27-64.
Yiu SW, Keith M, Karczmarski L, Parrini F (2015) Early post-release movement of reintroduced lions (Panthera leo) in Dinokeng Game Reserve, Gauteng, South Africa. European Journal of Wildlife Research 61: 861-870.
Technical reports, manual and field guide
Brown S, Samaniego A, Peace J, Yiu SW. (2024). Trialling GPS tags to assess rat movement in response to toxic baiting in Wellington.
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Contract Report LC4455, prepared for Predator Free Wellington. 13p.
Yiu SW, Glen A, Peace J, Garvey P. (2023). Baseline monitoring of invasive mammalian pests at Harbourview-Orangihina Park, Te Atatū Peninsula, Auckland.
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Contract Report LC4356, prepared for Te Atatū Marae Whanau Committee. 13p.
Garvey P, Yiu SW. (2023). Feasibility study on the value of semiochemical lures for dama and Bennett’s wallabies.
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Contract Report LC4355, prepared for New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries. 17p.
Yiu SW, Norbury G, Garvey P. (2023). Omaha Shorebird Sanctuary Baseline Monitoring.
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research Contract Report LC4322, prepared for Auckland Council, New Zealand. 11p.
Mak HW, Shum TW, Pang CC, Yiu SW, & Hau CHB. (2020) A baseline ecological study of irrigation reservoirs in Hong Kong.
Consultancy Services Study Report. School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong.
Yiu SW, Hung TH, Yu Nina, Yu Y-T, Hau BCH. (2013). Field guide to the wildlife of East Africa. School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong.
Wong SWH, Gailey G, Chan SCY, Sychenko O, Or CKM, Yiu SW, Chang WL, Behrmann C, Karczmarski L. (2012) DISCOVERY: Photo-identification data-management systems for individually recognizable animals. Software Manual.
Yiu SW (2011) Conservation plan for Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Hong Kong, Directed Studied Thesis, The University of Hong Kong.
Yiu SW (2010) The effect of farmland management on the diversity and abundance of insects in Long Valley, Hong Kong.
Research Internship Report, The Conservancy Association.